Tea Time
Tea Time
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Tea Time
Brownies complete 3 Juniors 4 older girls 5
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1. Attend or host a tea party. If you are the host, with help from others, send out invitations; help plan the decorations and menu.
2. Tea time is usually scheduled from mid or late afternoon which is in between a meal, therefore, there aren't any big meals planned. Try a cookie, scone, biscuit, bite size sandwich or other sweet to nibble on.
4. Attend or host a “theme” tea party. Create a decoration, craft, or accessory for the party. Examples include: English tea: make paper crowns, Wonderland Tea: decorate hearts to hang, Colonial tea: heart dollies or a paper garland.
5. Tea party manners can be different than manners at the dinner table. Learn one tea time manner and practice it at your tea party. Example: When the tea is being served, if you don’t care for tea, then you turn your cup upside down then they will know not to serve you. Taste everything that is served to you to show the hostess that you tried the items she prepared for you. See more manners below. For extra, learn how to curtsy.
6. There are some “never” manners at a tea party that are simply impolite. Learn one “never” item and remember not to use it at the tea party. Example: Never cradle the cup with your hands. Hold the cup with the tea handle OR don’t make a clicking noise with your spoon in the tea cup.
7. Learn how to make friends at a tea party if all the attendees were people that you didn’t know. Use table talk conversation pieces. Make a conversation with someone and ask them about their hobbies, favorites, or daily life. For extra, the host can put starter questions in a box at the middle of the table.
8. Tea parties or gatherings are common all around the world. Choose another country to learn about tea time or how they serve tea in their country. They might also use different types of tea. Examples of countries: Japan, China, India, England, or Bangladesh. For extra fun, you can make this a theme of your party or have a tea tasting game!
9. Gather your friends and work together to prepare a tea party for yourself or friends. Plan a theme, decorations, menu, and have each person be responsible for an item to bring.
10. Learn how to set a table for a tea party with a plate, napkin, cup and silverware.
11. Some tea parties may have sweet tea with ice while others may have hot tea. It depends on the region and time of the year. Try a beverage or tea at the tea party.
12. Make a list of fun activities to complete after the tea party for you and your friends to do OR attend a tea party that has activities after the tea party to complete. Items include: dress up, crafts, games, outdoor fun, or photos. If you are the host, make sure you have all of the materials to be able to do an activity.
13. Find out what you need to know to be a professional host or have a career serving others in a restaurant or tea room.
14. If you are the host, thank your guests by sending or giving them a thank you note as they leave. Make it personal and say something like, "Thank you for coming to my tea party, I hope you had a great time!" If you are not the host, thank the host for a great time.
15. Have a community service drive with your tea party. Have the guests bring a small item to donate to a cause like: new pajamas, canned goods, books, gently worn coats, princess dresses, glasses, coupons, change, etc. Have the host collect all of them at the door and donate them to the cause. For extra, they can make a card for the people getting the donations.
16. Tea through the times. Learn about time tea clothing or activities during the colonial times or Victorian days. Examples are: Language of fan, learn how to curtsy, mop hats, and bustle on dresses.
17. Juliette Low had a tea party at her first meeting with scouts on March 12, 2012. Learn about Juliette Low or have a tea party celebrating her birthday or the scout birthday. Her birthday is October 31 and the scout birthday is March 12.