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Girl Scouting in My Future (Junior Badge)

Girl Scouting in My Future (Junior Badge)

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Girl Scouting in My Future (Junior Badge) Complete 6

1. Any event or trip that takes you
beyond your normal meeting time
and place is a wider opportunity ( or
"wider op," for short). Plan with the
Girl Scouts in your troop or group or
with family or friends-to take
your own wider op. ( attend Thinking day, corn maze, etc)

2.  Find out about the Girl Scout Silver
Award for Cadette Girl Scouts and
the Girl Scout Gold Award for
Senior Girl Scouts on the Girl Scout Web
site  Compare the requirements for
earning each of those awards to the
requirements for the Girl Scout
Bronze Award, which you can read
about in the same section and in
your Junior Girl Scout Handbook .

3. In a few years, you will be old
enough to go on a national wider op
(wider opportunity). Each year,
thousands of Cadette and Senior
Girl Scouts attend these special
events. Learn about wider ops
offered by councils to Cadette and
Senior Girl Scouts across the
country. Ask your Girl Scout leader
to show you a copy of Wider Ops, a
catalog that describes the events to
be held during the corning year.
Look through the catalog and
decide on three wider ops that you
think you might like. Find out the
location, age requirements, cost,
dates, focus of the program, and the
availability of travel scholarships
(called "travelships").

4.  Make a travel aid
Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts can
travel outside of the United States.
Choose a country you would like to
visit and find out as much as you can
about that country through books,
magazines, travel agents, and Web
sites. If possible, gather photos,
posters, and souvenirs. Share this
information by creating an
imaginary television or radio
commercial in which you tell
everyone why your travel spot is
"hot" in one minute or less. Perform
your commercial before other Girl
Scouts, friends, or family members.
If possible, record your commercial
on video- or audiotape.

5. Look at a passport
application. ff possible, look at a real
passport to see how it is designed.
Then, with the information you have
gathered, draw a passport OR
apply for a real passport with
the help of an adult.

6. Plan a trip
If you are selected to attend a
wider op, what will it take to get
there? Select an event from the
wider ops catalog that you would
like to attend. Then, figure out
how to travel there by plane, train,
or car. Collect road maps or train
schedules, or call a travel agent to
ask about plane schedules. You
can also find out plane, train, and
map information on the Web.
Estimate the number of miles you
will travel, how much it will cost in
gas prices or ticket fares, and how
long it will take you to get there.

7.Find out what Girl Scouts are doing
to benefit our world. Invite a Cadette
or Senior Girl Scout who has earned
her Girl Scout Silver Award or Girl
Scout Gold Award and whose
project was about a global or
environmental problem to come to
your troop meeting. Ask her to share
with your troop what she did to earn
her award. Prepare questions. OR
Interview the recipient of a Girl
Scout Cadette Silver Award or Girl
Scout Gold Award in person, by e-mail,
or on the phone. Take notes and share
what you learned about her and her
project with your troop, group, or family.

8. Service project
The Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and
Gold Awards all require a service
project. With other Girl Scouts,
brainstorm ideas for service projects
involving sports, safety, health,
nutrition, fitness, or other subject
areas that interest you. List at least ten
ideas. Select one and discuss how you
would go about carrying it out. What
kinds of help will you need? What
kinds of supplies and equipment?
How much time will you need? What
about donations? Save your list and
plans for your Girl Scout future.

9. Attend a event
Camping trips, cookie events, badge
workshops, and bridging events are
often sponsored by or partially run
by Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts.
You may be running such an event
someday! Attend one and see how an
event is put together. Ask the Cadette
or Senior Girl Scouts about the preparations
they made for the event.
Did they coordinate their event with
adults? How did they divide the work?
Discuss what you learned with your
troop, group, or other Girl Scouts.

10. Design a trip that takes a
group of younger Girl Scouts
beyond your normal meeting time 
Work with other Junior Girl Scouts
and with Girl Scout leaders to plan
the kinds of events or activities that
younger girls can do. Once you
have a design, carry out your 
opportunity for Daisy or Brownie
Girl Scouts. ·Make sure that Girl Scout
leaders have permission slips and are involved.


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