Globetrotting (Junior Badge) (Instructions on how to use for Thinking Day)
Globetrotting (Junior Badge) (Instructions on how to use for Thinking Day)
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A free kit will be sent via email after you purchase the badge It will cover 6 requirements (pictures and descriptions of landmarks, maps, and more)
Slides to complete the badge are HERE
Complete 6 requirements of your choice
1. Picture it Every country's architecture is influenced by climate, available materials, number of people, and amount of space. Use the internet or books to find out about three different types of architecture found in three different places. Example: pyramids in Egypt, Big Ben in England, and Castle in Germany.
2. Toot your own horn Is your community a tourist destination? Create a poster or travel brochure or oral presentation representing your areas unique features.
3. Read all about it Read two short stories or a book which the setting influences the plot. (You may have already read one in school) Example: A Wrinkle in Time, takes place in a different world, Julie and the Wolves that place in Alaska, and Laura Ingalls Wilder books, that takes place in the west.
How does the setting influence the way the characters act or live? Create a short opening on paper or out loud with friends that takes part in another country, other than the country you live in.
4. Just a Drop Nothing can live without water. Yet, lots of people live where the water they drink is limited. One thing they do is collect water during rainstorms, save it to drink, wash, and cook with. During the next rain place a bucket or pot outside. How much water did you collect? ( You can measure it with a ruler or cup) How long would it take you to collect enough to drink or use in one day? Keep track of how many cups of water you drink in a day, water for cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, and bathing. What is the total? How many pots of water would you need per day? ( You can use an estimate for bathing and clothes) Could you cut back on water use?
5. Be Aware- Be prepared Volcanoes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, and droughts. Every location in the world has had it's challenges. Pick a one of the above and find out.
- what causes it?
- what can be done to prevent it, if anything?
- what can be done to prepare for it?
- where is it most common?
- what types of assistance do people need if it occurs?
6. Map it out Pick a country and become an expert on it.
- What are the major rivers, mountain areas, and other geographical features?
- What climate does it have?
- How does the climate affect what plants and trees grow?
- how does it affect what farmers can grow?
7. Dear Diary--- Pretend you are a real life explorer. Make diary entries for seven days of their explorations. How did the person travel? How did they get daily water, food and supplies. Navigation instruments used? What are they searching for? Why did they leave home?
8. Is anyone there? Investigate 3 ways people in different parts of the world use technology to keep in touch. How common is it in your community? How do they work? What are the advantages and disadvantages? ( example: video call, email, social media, cell phones, etc) (cons: facial expressions, Not everyone has the same level of expertise, and body language)
9. We're all Connected Find out about a career in which people need to know about countries other than USA. View information on the internet, books or magazines. Some examples of careers to look into are importer for goods, buyer for a store, travel agent, travel writer, or stockbroker. How does knowledge of other languages and cultures help in these careers?.
10. It's all yours Do you love the mountains or the ocean? Create a geographical pictures on paper that is perfect for you. Add in plants and animals. How many people live there? What features will it have? Gather up all your sketches and ideas and staple them together in a book format. Share it with your family or friends. Does a place like this exist somewhere?
How to complete with a thinking Day twist
#1 Picture it You will view three different countries at Thinking Day from visiting other countries. You can also look up three different countries while you are choosing your country you would like to represent for Thinking Day.
Now that you have chose your country use the below requirements according to your country.
#2 Create a poster or travel brochure or oral presentation representing your areas unique features.
#3 Create an opening about your country and what you will say when people come to your booth. If you are not going to be at the booth have input on the information for the booth.
#5 Be Aware- Be prepared ( find out if your country is affected by any of these and answer the questions)
#6 Map it out Use your country and become an expert on it.
#7. Dear Diary--- Pretend you are a real life explorer of your thinking day country.
#8 Is anyone there? ( what technology does your country use to communicate?) Research two other countries communication and do the pros and cons.
#9 We're all Connected What career is in your country that connects with other countries?
You can also complete the water activity and create your own country area.