Local Lore (Junior Badge)
Local Lore (Junior Badge)
Local Lore( Complete 6 requirements)
1. Find out about a story, legend,
monument, or landmark in your
community. Older residents or your
librarian can help. Share your
findings with others.
2. It's All on the Maps
How has your community changed}
Locate a map of your town that's at
least 25 years old. Your library,
chamber of commerce, or planning
commission should have one.
Compare that map with one from
today. What has changed? What has
remained the same? Are all the
changes for the better? Which ones
would you like to undo? Why?
3. From Above
Ask someone from the Soil
Conservation Service, the U.S .
Geological Service, or a local
college or real estate agency if
you can see aerial photos of
your community made over a
period of time. What story do
these photos tell about changes
in your community?
4. TourYour Community
Take part in a tour of your
community. Look for three different
examples of architecture from
different historical periods. When
and why were the buildings or
houses built? What types of
materials were used? Try
sketching, photographing, or
writing down information about the
5. Extra, Extra, Read All About It!
Create a one-page poster,
newspaper page, or flyer that
describes a past period of your
community. Include news, ads, or
editorials that might have
appeared at that time. Share your
item with others.
6. Sing Someone's Praises
Create a story, song, or poem
about the efforts of one person
who has had a major impact on
your city or town.
7. Take a Trip
Visit a local museum, historical
society, library, or town hall to
learn more about the history of
your city or town. What new things
did you learn?
8. Take Pride
Volunteer at an event, fair, or
special occasion in your area.
Find an event that brings people
together in a celebration of
the past; for example, one that
highlights important dates in
history, or one that recognizes
the past contributions of
different cultures.
9. Walk the Talk
Pitch in on a project that will
help preserve the history of your
community or something unique
about it. Examples would be
replanting native plants, or cleaning
or fixing up an historical site.
10. Focus on the Future
Given how your community has
changed in the past 25 years, how do
you think your community will
change in the next 20, 50, or 100
years? Share your prediction for the
future in a creative way-you might
use charts, maps, drawings, or a skit