Sight Night
Sight Night
Earn this patch by collecting eye glasses for the less fortunate. Collect door to door or within your group. Click here for a flyer for more information on this project.
Glasses collected during Sight Night are recycled and hand-delivered to adults and children in need in developing countries during OneSight Global Clinics.
It's easy to be a Sight Night volunteer!
1. Hand out flyers Decide whether you are going to pick up the glasses on Halloween or have a drop off location for the glasses. Below are two flyers to choose from for delivery.
Click here for a flyer if you are picking up donations door to door.
Click here for a flyer if you collecting donations to be delivered to a certain location.
2. Gather your glasses from door to door OR your donation area. This could be a box on your front porch or at your local community center.
3. Look through all the glasses and make sure none of the lens are broken.
4. Donate your glasses at a Lenscrafters or Lions Club donation location near you. Click here to find a Lenscrafters near you.
5. Click here to Print your Certificate of Recognition for participating.
6. Order your patch!