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Uniquely Me Patch

Uniquely Me Patch

Regular price $1.85 USD
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Earn this patch by celebrating your unique self. You can have fun with your family and friends to earn this patch as well.

Complete 1 requirement to earn this patch
Patch details: Metallic threads [2.75 wide]

1. Do you realize how special you are? Did you know that everyone has wonderful talents and gifts? Celebrate you! Take time for yourself and think about all the great things you can do. Listen to your favorite music, write in your diary, read a book, draw, pamper yourself, make a poster or booklet about yourself.
2. Make a poster that describes your unique self by using the letters in your first name. You can draw flowers and other items around the paper for decoration. Example: SALLY Shiny or Shy; Awesome; Loveable, Lively and Young. 
3. Have a unicorn Uniquely Me celebration or event. Enjoy food, make crafts, and spend time with your friends.
4. Is your uniquely self "sporty" or do you enjoy the outdoors? If so, share some information of your sports or outdoor activities with others. If you have never tried a sport or outdoor activity, now is the time to take that step and discover if that is you. Some examples: Soccer, volleyball, basketball, skiing, gardening, horseback riding, swimming, dancing, walking, camping or snorkeling.
5. Do you have an artistic side? Do you like to make crafts, write poems, cook, bake, act, play a musical instrument, paint, sing or draw? Cook something, decorate a cupcake, help prepare an uniquely me event, write a poem or song, create an artistic craft OR share your talent with others.
6. Is your uniquely self shy or outspoken? Some people are very comfortable talking in large groups, while others are more comfortable talking one-on-one. Do you suggest family activities or just go along with the plan? What is your favorite thing to do with your family? What is one activity you would like to do with your family in the future? Ask your family if it is possible and what you can do to help make it happen.
7. Make new friends but keep the old. Play a game that helps you have fun with your friends or invite new friends in your circle to play the games with you OR get to know each other better by using the conversational strips in this kit. You can find out all the unique qualities of your friends and some you may have in common with.
8. Everyone likes different types of clothing, shoes and shades of colors. Some like pants while others like to wear dresses. That is why there is such a wide variety to choose from. Favorite color? What is your favorite outfit? Describe your outfit or draw a picture of it. For extra, your group can have an unique fashion show.
9. Find out more about your unique self and what you want to be when you grow up. Make a list of your talents and interests and compare them to career titles. You can look online or in books for career titles or ideas. What job interests did you decide you might like? For extra, You can talk or interview a person about their career, tour a restaurant or business, go to career day, experience different activities, OR attend a take your daughter/son to work event.
10. Everyone one around us is unique in their own way. Some may walk differently, talk with an accent, have different colored hair, etc. No matter the difference we should all be treated the same. Sometimes people are ill or in need and we should try to make them feel better. Complete a community service project and work together with your group to assist those in need. Examples: Help the elderly, make Jared Boxes, blankets, stockings for soldiers, cards, etc.

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