Creative Arts (Council Own)
Juniors Earn GS WAYS
Cookie Challenge Kit
Underground Railroad
Sign of the Sun (Junior Badge)
Sign of the Rainbow (Junior Badge)
Insignia Tab
Safety Award Pin
Agent Of Change Journey Outer Patch
Across Generations (Junior Badge)
Bridging (Junior Badge)
First Aid (Junior Badge)
Local Lore (Junior Badge)
Humans & Habitats (Junior Badge)
My Heritage (Junior Badge)
Winter Sports (Junior Badge)
The World in My Community (Junior Badge)
Now and Then: Stories from Around the World (Junior Badge)
Architecture (Junior Badge) ( Instructions on how to put a wizard theme on it)
Collecting Hobbies (Junior Badge)
Cookie Biz (Junior Badge)
Doing Hobbies (Junior Badge)
Family Living Skills (Junior Badge)
Environmental Health (Junior Badge)